Teddy Bear Restoration Near Me. We repair and restore all kinds of modern and antique teddies and our services range from a seam repair to full recoverings and reconstructions As well as restoring antique teddies we’re happy to take on new children’s toys No teddy is beyond repair – there is always something we can do! We will always give you a range of options from small repairs to full restorations Scroll down.

A little while ago we were asked to repair a large Steiff Bear belonging to Uri Geller 'Matsko' was collected from Uri's home and brought back to our workshop for his makeover Uri told us the story of his early experiences with teddy bears when at the age of 6 months and lying in his pram his mother had placed him near a window with a bear called 'Matsko' for company Uri clearly recalled.
The bears were all thoroughly delighted if somewhat overwhelmed when an absolutely huge teddy called Benjamin came to stay at Ambrosia Place He was so large he had to stay in the hall for a few minutes beofre room could be made for him! There was much messy fun enjoyed when all of his old foam stuffing was removed Benjamin had a wonderful times in the huge bubbletub and then he was.
Teddy Bear Hospital
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Teddy Bear Repair near your location Ask for free quotes
Established in 2006 as “Bear It In Mind” The UK's most loved teddy bear and soft toy restorers Podcasters TV and Radio personalities Aiming to share their unique spin on the world of soft toys and related history Passionate about preserving old and dying crafting traditions.
Repairs And Sympathetic Restoration For A Loved Teddy Bear
the teddy bear ladies, as seen on bbc's the repair shop
Soft Toy Repairs and Teddy Restoration by Leith Toy Hospital
Soft Toy Hospital: Teddy Bear Repair and Soft Toy Restoration
I accept Teddy bears and soft toys made of any material including lambs wool and sheepskin All materials are match as closely to the original as possible All bears and soft toys that are sent to me are treated with the greatest of care The aim is to ensure your friend will be with you for many more years.