Quran 33 Ayat 50. AL QUR’AN Turunnya Al Qur’an Beberapa wanita yang menjadi sebab turunnya ayat Al Qur’an Ayat yang berhubungan dengan Ummu Syarik Ad Dausiyah HUKUM PRIVAT Perkawinan Wanitawanita yang diharamkan menikahinya Kawin lebih dari empat Nabi kawin lebih dari empat IMAN Cabangcabang iman Akidah Beriman pada Allah Ta’ala Zat dan sifat Allah Ampunan Allah yang luas.
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The above short verse consists of the last assertion about the case of Zaid and Zainab and a very important matter to be considered by all mankind ” Mohammad is not the father of any one of your men but he is the Messenger of God and the seal.
Recite Surah Ahzab with Hindi Translation Al Quran
Allah is Subtile Aware Dr Ghali And remember what is recited in your homes of the signs of Allah and (the) Wisdom surely Allah has been EverKind EverCognizant Abdel Haleem Remember what is recited in your houses of God’s revelations and wisdom for God is all subtle all aware Quran 33 Verse 34 Explanation.
Surah Qaf Ayat 33 (50:33 Quran) With Tafsir My Islam
Al Quran KSU Electronic Moshaf project Meanings English Sahih International Hide Translation نص القرآن الكريم (إملائي) نص القرآن الكريم (إملائي بدون تشكيل) عربي التفسير الميسر عربي معاني الكلمات English Sahih International.
AlQuran (القرآن) — Online Quran Project — Translation and
QS 3350 Quran Surat Al Ahzab Ayat 50 terjemah bahasa indonesia oleh kementrian agama republik indonesia (Kemenag) atau departemen agama (Depag) Muhammad Quraish Shihab tafsir jalalain (Jalal adDin alMahalli dan Jalal adDin asSuyuti disertai juga dengan terjemahan bahasa malaysia oleh Abdullah Muhammad Basmeih.
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QS 33 : 50 Quran Surat Al Ahzab Ayat 50 Terjemah Bahasa
Surah AlAhzab 50 Quran.com
Commentaries for 33.59 The Quran
Surah AlAhzab Ayat 34 (33:34 Quran) With Tafsir
Al Quran KSU Electronic Moshaf project
Quran Verses 33:5052 clearly allow Muhammad to have …
Quran Tafsir Tafsir Maududi Surah 33. AlAhzab . Ayah 50
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So make provision for them and release them in an honourable manner 86 (3350) O Prophet We have made lawful for you your wives whose bridal dues you have paid 87 and the slavegirls you possess from among the prisoners of war and the daughters of your paternal uncles and paternal aunts and the daughters of your maternal uncles and maternal aunts who have migrated with.