Pt Agro Muara Rupit. PT Agro muara rupit Palembang Sumatra Selatan 798 likes 68 talking about this PT agro muara Rupit bergerak dibidang perkebunan kelapa sawit.

(1) The report alleged that PT Agro Muara Rupit (west estate) conducted deforestation covering 267 hectares between May – October 2020 The report further mentioned that according to the HCSA website assessments have been completed for PT Agro Muara Rupit (I&II and III&IV estates) but they are not listed as either being peer reviewed or having completed the peer review process.
PT Agro Muara Rupit is a company established in Indonesia for the development of a new concession of 4811 ha into palm oil estates associated smallholders (plasma) The concession is located in the Kabupaten Musi Rawas Province of South Sumatra.
SIPEF Group PT Agro Muara Rupit III & IV (PT AMR) SIPEF Group has proposed a new development plan for its concession that covers an area of 341821ha located inside its operational area in the PT Agro Muara Rupit III & IV (PT AMR) management unit The plantation properties are located in the Nibung and Rawas Ilir Subdistrict Musi Rawas Utara District Sumatera Selatan Province Indonesia.
SIPEF PT Agro Muara Rupit Musim Mas
PT Agro Muara Rupit (PT AMR) is a subsidiary of SIPEF (Societe Internationale de Plantations et de Finance) a member of RSPO and committed to responsible to the communities and environment in its operation by maintaining best practices.
Pt Agro Muara Rupit Rspo Roundtable On Summary Report Of Seia And Pt Agro Muara Rupit December 2013 Seia Hcv Summary Page 1 Of 19 Pt Agro Muara Rupit Sipef Group
IV (PT AMR) RSPO PT Agro Muara Rupit III & SIPEF Group
PT Agro muara rupit Home Facebook
Company PT AGRO MUARA RUPIT (SIPEF GROUP) Subsidiary RSPO Membership 100210500000 Location of Proposed new planting Kecamatan Rawas Ulu Kabupaten Musi Rawas Provinsi Sumatra Selatan INDONESIA Coordinate S 02° 35’ 54” E 102° 50’ 27” Map of Location PT Agro Muara Rupit Map 1 Location of PT Agro Muara Rupit in Indonesia.