Lyretail Molly Care. Marble Lyretail Molly also demands a tiny bit of salt and water thus they should be housed with species that can withstand the salt Creamsicle Sailfin Lyretail Molly has a white bottom and a gold top making it look like creamsicle ice cream It has enormous orange mottled fins and is willing to share the tank with other fish.

Through gradual acclimation the Lyretail Molly may be maintained in either a freshwater or saltwater aquarium In the freshwater aquarium a minimum of a teaspoon of aquarium salt per gallon is recommended for optimum health The Lyretail Mollies requires an aquarium of at least 100 litres with algae and plenty of room to swim.
Molly Fish Care Guide: Fact Sheet, Breeding, Behavior
Both species of Mollies in order to thrive and grow well should ideally be housed in at least a 29 gallon tank The benefit of a larger tank is the water stability won’t have the sudden quality changes in the water environment that smaller tanks suffer from This will help to ensure the health of your Molly fish Filtration For The Molly Fish.
Balloon Molly: Care, Feed, Breeding, Tank Setup, and More
The Molly is a tropical fish that prefers some salt in their water A teaspoon of aquarium salt per 5 gallons of water will go a long way in helping them You may also see them in saltwater tanks from time to time There is a local reef store here that keeps black mollies in a regular saltwater tank with similar sized species.
Molly Fish Care Guide & Species Profile Fishkeeping World
The average lifespan of a Dalmation Molly is between 35 years However this depends on the living conditions and diet they have been given A Dalmation Molly living in an overcrowded tank and fed exclusively on fish flakes will have a dramatically lower life expectancy than one that had room to swim and enjoyed a varied diet Appearance & Size.
Top 13 Beautiful Molly Fish Youtube
Molly Fish Care Guide » Color, Behavior, Food & Breed
Dalmatian Molly Care Care Sheet Complete Guide
Aquarium Molly Fish Care & Tank Setup Guide
Silver Lyretail Molly fish Goldfish, Betta & More PetSmart
Will lyretail mollies Breed? Aquarium Forum
Silver Lyretail Molly fish Goldfish, Betta & More PetSmart
15 Different Types of Molly Fish Most Common Molly Types
Dalmatian Molly 101: Care, Diet, Tank Size, Tank Mates
Molly Fish Care Size, Life Span, Tank Mates, Breeding
Assorted Lyretail Mollies Seahorse Aquariums Ltd
Tangerine Painted Lyretail Molly Fry Fish Breeding C.A
Dalmation Lyretail Molly Mollies Poecilia latipinna
Diet) Care Guide (Breeding, Tank Mates & Molly Fish
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Molly Buy or Sell Fish in Ontario Kijiji Classifieds
Sailfin Molly (Care, Feed, Breeding, Tank Setup, and More)
Molly Fish101: Features, Types, Care Guide & FAQ Aquaria
Silver Lyretail Molly Scientific Name Poecilia sphenops species Family Poeciliidae Feeding Habits Fresh spinach zucchini peas and lettuce Live blood worms glass worms brine shrimp and tubifex worms Frozen vegetable diet daphnia plankton beef heart brine shrimp glass worms and blood worms Flake and freeze dried foods also accepted.