Es Kopyor Kelapa Muda. 200 ml air kelapa 50 gram gula pasir 1 lembar daun pandan ikat 1/2 sendok teh agaragar bubuk 1/4 sendok teh jeli bubuk instan 1/8 sendok teh garam 4 tetes pewarna hijau muda Bahan II 600 ml santan dari 1 btr kelapa 100 gram gula pasir 1 bungkus agaragar bubuk 100 gram kelapa muda blender halus500 gr es batu.

A pannenkoek (Dutch pronunciation [ˈpɑnəˌkuk] () plural pannenkoeken ()) or Dutch pancake is a style of pancake with origins in the Netherlands Pannenkoeken are usually larger (up to a foot in diameter) and much thinner than their American or Scotch pancake counterparts but not as thin as crêpes [citation needed] They may incorporate slices of bacon apples cheese or raisins.
Pannenkoek Wikipedia
Tauco Taucu Taotjo or Tauchu (Chinese 豆醬 pinyin dòujiàng Pe̍hōejī tāuchiùⁿ) is a paste made from preserved fermented yellow soybeans in Chinese Indonesian and Malaysian cuisines Tauco is made by boiling yellow soybeans grinding them mixing them with flour and fermenting them in order to make a soy paste The soy paste is soaked in salt water and sundried for.
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