Build Badang Tersakit 2020. Tanpa basabasi lagi berikut build item Badang terkuat dan tersakit yang bisa kalian coba Build Item Badang 2020 Build item Badang yang menurut mimin sangat cocok adalah kombinasi dari item attack dan defense Dua slot item adalah attack dan sisanya untuk item defense Dengan kombinasi tersebut Badang akan memiliki serangan yang tinggi dan.

????SUBSCRIBE GRATIS???? https//wwwyoutubecom/c/RyanAgera?sub_confirmation=1=====BADANG MOBILE LEGEND=====BADANG – hero fighte Video Duration 12 minViews 32KAuthor Ryan Agera.
IntroTips & TricksBest Build 2020Hi everyone in this article we will dedicate it to our Main hero which is Badang I have to write too many tricks about this hero since he is our main hero and we have done more than 300 matches in last season For me and for many reason Badang is one of the Best fighter in this game Lets list below some of our tricks about this hero Please follow the link if you want to see the video – Badang King of Fighter 1Play always solo top and always safe because in earlier game you will faced against Enemy Tank & Enemy MM Solo because you need to farm minions don’t enter to the jungle area to kill creeps 2Don’t attack enemy if you are solo until you buy Warrior Boots and Demon Hunter Sword 3Don’t attack with ultimate skill without combining with this combination Stuck Up Badang passive after 4 times auto attack then push enemy into second skill trap shut again with first skill into the wall and then use Ultimate skill easy kill 4Use ultimate skill sometime to clear the waves of minions form more effective farm 5Buy always shield if enemies has more mages buy Anthena Shield if enemies has more Physical heroes buy Immortality 6Since Badang has immobility skills no need for flicker or something else I use always Arrival because you can defend turrets you can gank to other lanes easily you can push more efficiently etc Lets see what is main build for Badang I have always 4 fixed items that I bought always and I suggest to everyone 1Warrior Boots 2Demon Hunter Sword 3Golden Stuff 4Endless Battle 2 Lasts Items are if you need to attack more or you need to defend more If enemy has too many mages I suggest that 5Anthena Shield 6Immortality If enemy has more tanks or low DPS and your team support you more buy 5Blade of Despair 6Haunter Strike.
build badang tersakit 2020 new update season 18 YouTube
Blade of Despair ini memiliki skill pasif yaitu Meningkatkan physical attack sebesar 25% ketika HP target di bawah 50% Nah itulah build tersakit untuk hero Badang yang bisa kamu ikuti Dengan menggunakan build di atas maka Badang akan overpowered lawan langsung terbunuh dalam sekali combo Baca Juga Kenalan Yuk Sama Badang Hero Baru.
Build Tersakit Hero Badang 2020: Sekali Combo, Lawan Mati!
Oke guys jadi pada video kali ini gua bakal cobain Build dan emblem BADANG GUYS!!! tapi ternyata meta sekarang makin ngeri guys so jangan skip videonya bi.
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