Best Elemental Hero Deck 2018. Angel Flores dominated YCS San Jose 2 weeks ago capturing the Championship title with LIGHT Gemini Beatdown an Elemental Hero Deck packed with highATK Level 4 monsters and tons of monster removal Flores’ Deck won by knocking all of his opponent’s monsters off the field giving him the opportunity to make strong gamewinning attacks with 1900 ATK monsters.

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Elemental HERO Gaia (WindUp Zenmaister Collectible Tin) Elemental HERO Gaia can be Summoned by combining any “Elemental HERO” monster with an EARTH monster and with Super Polymerization in your Deck it’s a great monster to use against XSabers Gadgets and Karakuri Decks which are all EARTHbased When Gaia is Fusion Summoned you choose one of your.
Sam's BEST Elemental Hero Deck For June 2020 TCGplayer
I like HERO Deck a lot I have made Elemental HERO Deck for a year Now I have my best EHERO Deck See this NOTE This deck “skyscraper” is very useful Total43 Monster20 X3 Elemental Hero Captain Gold X2 King of the Swamp X1 Elemental Hero Necroshade X1 Elemental Hero Heat X1 Elemental Hero Burstinatrix X1 Elemental Hero Sparkman X1.
NeoSpacian Deck YGOPRODECK
BEST! ELEMENTAL HERO DECK!! MARCH 2018!” I hope you enjoyed it and I really app YO! What’s up boys and girls thank you so much for watching this “*YUGIOH!* BEST! ELEMENTAL HERO DECK!! MARCH.
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Guide Duel Masked HEROs Deck Links|Game8
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[R/F] HERO Deck Jan 2018 for Potential Competitive Play Ft
YuGiOh! TCG Strategy Articles » 2018 MegaTins: Get Your Forums Best Elemental HERO Deck 2013!!!!
Elemental HERO December 2018 YGOPRODECK
5 essential Fusions for your Elemental HERO Deck.
My Pure Elemental Hero Deck Profile for September 2018
YGORed “MY BEST HERO BUILD (can be budget)” YuGiOh Deck
Deck List Monster Elemental HERO Honest Neos x1 Destiny HERO Malicious x2 Armageddon Knight x1 Dark Grepher x1 Elemental HERO Shadow.