Air Terminal Unit Hvac. General term used to refer to the set or a subset of components that perform a specific HVAC function within a building terminal unit A small component that contains a heating coil cooling coil automatic damper or some combination of the three Used to control the temperature of a single room Abbreviated TU thermal zone.

Selection Application Control and Commissioning of Air Terminal Units ASHRAE Design Guide This book was designed with current North American codes standards and design practises in mind It is meant to assist design engineers in selecting air terminal unit types and to describe strategies for sizing units while maximising occupant comfort and energy efficiency.
Terminal Unit Product Guide Price Industries
May 29 2020 A terminal unit is an outlet in ductwork to allow air delivery to an environment like a room The terminal unit taps into the ducts with a fan to push air out of the ductwork at varying speeds to control the environment Terminal units may also have built in heating and cooling coils depending on the installation.
Air Terminal Units Daikin Applied
A terminal unit controls the primary air volume to a zone through the use of a primary air valve that contains an inlet damper and controller This control of primary air to the occupied space in communication with the thermostat.
Titus HVAC Engineering Innovative Air Distribution
A window air conditioner is a compact version of the rooftop type While they are primarily used for air conditioning RTUs can also be used for ventilation as well as heating This is very efficient as indoors it would take up quite a bit of space How Packaged Rooftop Units Work.
Variable Air Volume Terminals
Commercial HVAC Packaged Rooftop Units
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ATU Air Terminal Unit (HVAC) AcronymFinder
Terminal Units Engineering Guide Price Industries
Air Terminal Unit Hvac
Air Terminal Units in HVAC PAKTECHPOINT
Glossary of HVAC terms Wikipedia
Single Duct Terminal Unit Terminal Units Price Industries
Terminal Units
ATU stands for Air Terminal Unit (HVAC) Suggest new definition This definition appears rarely and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories Business finance etc See other definitions of ATU Other Resources We have 81 other meanings of ATU in our Acronym Attic Link/Page Citation Page/Link.